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Moving Forward With Guyana

BK Goup of Companies Spread Holiday Cheer

Jags Aviation Inc - BK Group of Companies embarked on its second annual trip to the hinterlands, spreading holiday cheer with a toy drive on December 21st. The communities of Kamana and Kurukabaru in Region 8, Guyana, eagerly received an early dose of holiday happiness as the aviation company, renowned for its dedication to community engagement, distributed an abundance of toys. This pre-Christmas event was another resounding success.

This mission to spread joy not only showcases the BK Group of Companies’ commitment to corporate social responsibility but also emphasizes the significance of reaching communities beyond the conventional gift-receiving areas.

Celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, BK Group of Companies aims to lead by example, illustrating how businesses can positively impact the lives of often-overlooked communities.
In tandem with the toy drive, BK Quarries initiated the Group of Companies’ holiday season by hosting its annual Christmas party for over 1000 kids. This gathering not only complemented the ongoing efforts to spread holiday cheer but also highlighted the company’s dedication to brightening the spirits of communities.

In the spirit of unity and giving, Jags Aviation Inc - BK Group of Companies extends warm wishes for a joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all of Guyana and beyond

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