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Moving Forward With Guyana

Mega Motti

Maritime historic crossing

A historic crossing on Sunday 22nd of October at the Demerara Harbour Bridge was realized at 11:30 am.  The span of the bridge accommodated the largest integrated Tug and Barge to pass through, highlighting an outstanding time and period since the Harbour Bridge was erected.

The BK Marine Tug ( Mega), the Barge (Motti) had cruised their way through quietly on a calm Sunday sunny morning.

The marine spectacle was one of a- kind that was captured by a drone, showing her majestic sailing.  

With the overall Length (LOA) 150 meters Tug Mega / Barge Motti and Width / Beam of 24 meters with dead weight – DW 8000 Tons, is one of the largest Tug and Barge to transit the DHB, under the supervision of experienced captains and pilots.

In command of the Vessel Captain Collin Reid, River Pilot Mr.  E. Drapaul, Pilot Captain Randy Hendricks, Harbor Master Captain Archer, and BK Marine Port Captain H. Chan. were the navigation crew that ensured a safe passage of the Tug / Barge through the open span of the Harbor bridge.  

Assistant Tug ALFA 1 on standby, good weather condition and slack tide, and gentle breeze from NE, the Pusher Tug Mega / Motti transit through the Harbor Bridge were able to pass with just a small fraction of distance on both side of the Transit span.  

Tug Mega fitted with (4) Main Engines and the Barge Motti fitted with a bow thruster allowed the maneuver of the vessel in a close approximate area and safe speed through the passage of the bridge.

Mega Motti info MAX-01
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